How to create the tomcat server instance on Eclipse IDE

Take the following steps in order to create the Tomcat or any other app/web server instance on Eclipse IDE.

Start the Eclipse and go to Window > Show View > Other > Server > Servers and click OK.
Fig 1
Now you should have the "servers" tab open in your Eclipse. Right click anywhere in the servers tab and click on New > Server(as shown in Fig 2) and a new pop up window will be open(Fig 3).
Fig 2
Now expand the Apache node and choose the latest version of Tomcat which will auto populate the host and the server name. Now click on Next and point to the directory location where you have downloaded the Tomcat library and click on Finish.
Fig 3
By now you should be able to see the new node under the Servers tab. So, all you have to do is to start the server and test it. In order to start the server, you may click on the start button as per the Fig 4 or you may also right click on the Tomcat Server instance and click on start.
Fig 4
Once after you start the server, it will display some log messages on the console and should say server started as per the Fig 5.
Fig 5
Now, to verify you can open the browser and hit the URL - localhost:8080
Entering this url should redirect you to the admin page of Tomcat server. Now you Eclipse IDE is all set to deploy any war file.

Hope this short tutorial will help you configure the tomcat server. Feel free to ask any question if at all you have any issues.

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