This example will illustrate how to encode/decode the string value using the Base64 java class which is a part of apache commons package. If you are using maven as a build tool you can add the following dependency into your pom.xml file in order to compile your java class.
Java class to encode and decode any String value:
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
public class EncodeDecode {
public static String base64Encode(String stringToEncode) {
byte[] stringToEncodeBytes = stringToEncode.getBytes();
return Base64.encodeBase64String(stringToEncodeBytes);
public static String base64Decode(String stringToDecode) {
byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(stringToDecode);
return new String(decodedBytes);
public static void main(String[] args) {
String testString1 = "Amzi 123";
// Total bytes=8 divide by 3 and 2
// bytes are in remainder so '=' is
// appended in the encoded string
String testString2 = "Amzi_12345";
// Total bytes=10 divide by 3 and 1
// bytes are in remainder so '==' is
// appended in the encoded string
String testString3 = "Amzi..";
// Total bytes=6 divide by 3 and 0
// bytes are in remainder so
// nothing is appended
String encoded1 = EncodeDecode.base64Encode(testString1);
String encoded2 = EncodeDecode.base64Encode(testString2);
String encoded3 = EncodeDecode.base64Encode(testString3);
.println("******** Encoded Strings *****************");
System.out.println(testString1 + " > Encoded > " + encoded1);
System.out.println(testString2 + " > Encoded > " + encoded2);
System.out.println(testString3 + " > Encoded > " + encoded3);
.println("\n********** Decoded Strings ***************");
System.out.println(encoded1 + " > Decoded > "
+ EncodeDecode.base64Decode(encoded1));
System.out.println(encoded2 + " > Decoded > "
+ EncodeDecode.base64Decode(encoded2));
System.out.println(encoded3 + " > Decoded > "
+ EncodeDecode.base64Decode(encoded3));
******** Encoded Strings *****************
Amzi 123 > Encoded > QW16aSAxMjM=
Amzi_12345 > Encoded > QW16aV8xMjM0NQ==
Amzi.. > Encoded > QW16aS4u
********** Decoded Strings ***************
QW16aSAxMjM= > Decoded > Amzi 123
QW16aV8xMjM0NQ== > Decoded > Amzi_12345
QW16aS4u > Decoded > Amzi..